Family Plan

Keep the whole family with their cars shining!

With our family discount, you save $5 for every extra car included on the same credit card. To participate, fill out the form below and a member of our Super Duck team will contact you with more details.
Note: Family plan options start with the $24.99 Super Wax package.

  • Discounted Rates
  • Convenient Monthly Billing
  • License Plate Technology Access
  • Take advantage of our super amenities

Family Plan

Make your whole Family happy!

You can add additional cars to your current Unlimited Club Membership and Save $5 per month on each additional car. Your whole family must be on the same credit card, and have the same membership wash package under your registered account. Your Family Plan starts with you!

The first step to creating your Family Plan is to register and create an account on our website here. If you have already registered your account on our website, then you can simply log in and start adding cars to your plan.

Need help? We have a fantastic team of car wash attendants who are happy to add additional vehicles for you! Just stop by the wash!